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Automation is an Android app to automate certain things on your device. You can get the app from those sources:

  1. Get it from the open source store F-Droid:
  2. Download the APK from my server without any store
  3. There is also the Google Play version is discouraged. See below for the reasons:

What are the differences?


Here's an explanation of the permissions.


Here are examples of some interesting things one can do with the program. Also find help for how to use the start program feature.


Frequently asked questions

Privacy policy

Find the privacy policy of Automation here.

Source code

Find the source code here.


Thanks for contributions go to:


If you wish to donate, please find the options here: https://server47.de/donate/


For a changelog please refer to the one in F-Droid: https://f-droid.org/de/packages/com.jens.automation2/ or the one in my repository

Known problems or requested features

Known problems

No changelog for next version, yet.

Long-term goals

In addition I have these things on the radar: